The Elements of Investing – Malkiel and Ellis

Wiley | Paperback | December 2, 2021

The Gist

Imagine if Strunk and White wrote a book on investing.

Read if you like:

  • Finance books

  • Finance books that cut through the bs

  • If you’re interested in investing

  • Books that are short, sweet, and to the point

  • Appreciate The Elements of Style by Strunk and White

Verdict: Read It, Take Notes, Repeat

With 112 years of experience between them, Malkiel and Ellis offer advice and shed light on fundamental investing principles in The Elements of Investing: Easy Lessons for Every Investor that every investor needs to hear. Even if Malkiel and Ellis didn’t say it outright in the introduction, it’s obvious that the inspiration for The Elements of Investing comes from Strunk and White’s tried and true Elements of Style. This slim primer is brief but focused, driving home the importance of keeping things simple and making investing work for you. While the copy isn’t entirely jargon-free, Malkiel and Ellis’s explanations help readers quickly understand the concepts they discuss. Anyone who’s spent time researching where to begin with investing, what to do when the market is tanking, and so on will know that there’s a lot of information out there and the advice isn’t always grounded. By keeping it simple, Malkiel and Ellis cut through the bs and provide both beginners and veterans with a resource they can come back to again and again.



Leaders Eat Last — Simon Sinek


Discipline is Destiny — Ryan Holiday