Hidden Potential — Adam Grant
The Gist
Potential isn’t just unlocked with a snap of your fingers. It takes a lot of work, persistence, and the right Yoda and Degobah to bring out the Jedi in you.
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The Verdict: Borrow It
In Hidden Potential, psychologist Adam Grant looks at what it means to unlock one’s potential, as well as the environments it takes to make this happen. Just like he does in all his books Grant succinctly showcase his points through modern examples that will resonate with readers. But while the examples are interesting, the book takes a lot of time to get to the heart of Grant’s argument. Hidden Potential picks up when Grant starts to look at how education systems are helping to unlock their students’ potential—and how they are failing to do so. While he doesn’t suggest the entire system needs to be rebuilt, he does build a strong argument that implies in countries like the US and China, the education systems are failing to create the right environment that is going to produce well-adjusted thinkers and problem solvers. Grant does this in a gentle, but firm manner, letting the case studies and data speak for themselves. However, in disguising this as a self-help book, many readers might miss Grant’s main message.