I Will Teach You To Be Rich – Ramit Sethi

Workman Publishing | Paperback | Mar. 23, 2009

Whether you are looking to buckle down on your personal finances, are planning to make investments, or just want to understand what the heck a Roth IRA is, I Will Teach You To Be Rich is an essential guide. Sethi has put together a comprehensive step-by-step program that will help you build a stable and sustainable financial structure.

Rather than craft a cookie-cutter plan, he encourages readers to make adjustments to meet their personal needs, goals, and preferences, which is not something not always seen in self-help guides.

But while Sethi's ability to talk plainly is appreciated, at times he oversimplified things - to the point that it can be misleading. Following the details outlined in each step is easy. But the results may not be as BIG as Sethi describes in his examples. The six-week program may not be feasible if you are either (1) just starting your personal finance/business education and/or (2) not making 40K a year.

Nevertheless, the book will definitely worth the read because it will help you get a gameplay into place, further your education, and help you start developing financial habits that will be beneficial in the long-run. After all, knowledge is power!


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