The Writers Block
Word by Word
Don't worry if you've been struggling to put words on paper. Take it one day at a time.
What is #PitMad?
#PitMad is coming up, yet again! Learn more about this Twitter event and how to pitch your manuscript to literary agents.
Stop Worrying About Word Count and Just Play
If you’re struggling to write or avoiding it altogether, maybe it’s time to stop emphasizing how many words you’re cranking out and instead, look at it as an opportunity to de-stress and play.
Taking Messy Action: Work in Progress
Starting a new writing project can be daunting and can cause us to stress about doing things right. But, writing isn't about being right, it's about consistency—even when things get messy.
Habbits for Productivity, Mental Health & Physical Health
Here are three habits I implemented this past year to help me be more productive, boost my mental health, and maintain my physical health.
Hindsight is 2020: Getting Back to Basics
While I’m ready for the new year, I’m not sure I’m ready to forget 2020. Because even though so many terrible things have happened, I’ve grown a lot this year as a person.
How's It Going: NaNoWriMo and Wattpad
Instead of sprinting toward 50,000 words this year for NaNoWriMo, I challenged myself to edit and upload chapters of my novel The Strange Case onto Wattpad throughout the month. Here’s how it went.
Creating Novelty to Increase Productivity
Even though feeling unmotivated is normal, it’s important to develop strategies for staying productive. Here are two strategies I’ve been using to help me stay productive, even when I don’t feel like writing.
Rethinking the Professional Writer
When we think of a “professional” we think about a person who is paid X to do Y. And to extent this is true. But what if being a professional writer is actually more of a mindset?