Pappyland — Wright Thompson

The Gist

A soon-to-be dad hangs out with a bourbon-brewing legend and contemplates some deep thoughts about life and legacy.

Read If You Like

  • Bourbon

  • Pappy Van Winkle Bourbon

  • Bourbon Empire by Reid Mitenbuler

The Verdict: Cool Read, Borrow It

In Pappyland, Wright Thompson rides along with Julian Van Winkle III on his journey to preserve the taste of his family’s world-class bourbon. Pappyland shines a light on the man behind the bourbon and his desire to not only succeed for himself but also for his father and grandfather. Julian’s journey jolts Thompson into thinking about his own legacy. With a little girl on the way, Thompson reflects on his relationship with his father and the type of father he wishes to be for her. Thompson’s writing really shines in his ability to rapidly build the world Julian inhabits and the people who populate it. In the first act of Pappyland Julian, the Van Winkles, and all things bourbon center stage. But the second and third acts often feel disjointed the more Thompson weaves in his own narrative and works to tie the meaning of legacy to both his and Julian’s story. Overall though, a good read.


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