The Linchpin Writer — John Matthew Fox

Paperback | Bookfox Publishing | October 25, 2022

The Gist

Both your story and writing life hinge on several linchpin moments. Look out for them and bask in them.

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Verdict: Useful Editing Tool & Good Edition to BookFox Ecosystem

The Linchpin Writer combines Fox’s personal writing career with his mission to help writers write, edit, and publish their stories. The 180-page craft book is divided into three parts: “Firsts,” “Emotions,” and “Endings.” In each chapter, readers can find a plethora of examples about the particular linchpin pin moment Fox is focusing on and will walk away with a solid reading of quality titles. Plus, at the end of each chapter, there are exercises to help writers apply what they’ve read. It’s an excellent tool for writers who are about head into the developmental editing process or those who may be revamping after receiving feedback from an agent or editor. Additionally, Fox speaks about key moments in his own writing career. While he always maintains an entertaining and accessible tone, many of the personal anecdotes feel forced into the chapters presumably in order to differentiate the book from his website (which is plugged on more than one occasion). Of course, given this book is meant to exist within an ecosystem, the decision to plug Bookfox makes sense.


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