The Obstacle is the Way — Ryan Holiday

Hardcover | Portfolio | May 1, 2014

The Gist

You can look at the problem in front of you as an impassable obstacle or an opportunity.

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Verdict: Read & Repeat

The Obstacle is the Way is a must-read right now. In this 180-page best-seller, Ryan Holiday argues that if we want to be successful and be satisfied with our lives, then we must seek out hard things and we must learn to view these obstacles as opportunities. This philosophy is not new. Rather, this mindset is a core pillar of stoic philosophy. The book is divided into three sections: perception, action, and will. Throughout each part, Holiday leans on historical figures like Amelia Earhart, Teddy Roosevelt, John D. Rockefeller, Ulysses S. Grant, and more to exemplify model habits and mindsets. Holiday’s deep dive not only offers readers tools, but also the courage to dig their heels in as they prepare to take on whatever obstacle is standing in their way. Like all of Holiday’s works, The Obstacle is the Way introduces readers to stoicism and up them to take action and prepare themselves for whatever problems are ahead.


The Linchpin Writer — John Matthew Fox


Authentic — Paul Van Doren