Think Again — Adam Grant

Paperback | Penguin Books | December 26, 2023

The Gist

In an age of judgment, be curious.

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The Verdict: Worth the Read

In an age of constant information, digital insulation, and being spoon-fed what to think, Adam Grant argues that the true test of intelligence is our ability to let go of preconceived notions, challenge our opinions, and look at being wrong as a good thing. As always Grant’s writing is clear, thoughtful, and thought-provoking. Think Again looks at the breakdown of communication and polarization that seems to have taken hold since 2020. But, rather than point fingers or tell exactly how and why we got here, Grant takes a more scientific approach. Pulling from countless historical and his own research as a teacher and organization psychologist, Think Again successfully builds a case about why it’s so important for us to be inquisitive and separate our opinions from our identity. Of course, Grant doesn’t shy away from the fact that today it is an incredibly difficult thing to do. We are accustomed to being fed facts in schools, nurtured by communities that often share the same opinions, and rarely see examples of civil between two people who don’t agree. But while unlearning something takes work, Grant is convinced that staying curious and open-minded is key to making pivotal changes on an individual and societal level.


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