Shoe Dog — Phil Knight

Paperback | Scribner Book Company | May 1, 2028

The Gist

Dude who loves running and shoes decides he wants to build a business and just does it.

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Verdict: Read It But Borrow It

Before Nike was the powerhouse and iconic brand we know today, it was just the dream of 24-year-old Phil Knight. Fresh out of business school Knight had no desire to join the ranks of corporate America. Instead, he wanted to venture into the world of business and do something around what he loves: Shoes and running. Shoe Dog candidly recounts the early years of Nike and Knight’s life. Knight and his rag-tag team ran a gauntlet of risks and challenges to keep the business alive and ultimately evolve into the game-changing brand we know. And all the while juggling personal challenges. Shoe Dog reveals just how close (and how often) we came to having Nike cease to exist. Like many entrepreneurs Knight had to stay agile, learn on the fly, and get comfortable with uncertainty—and pressure, lots of pressure. The secret? There is none. Put in the work. Refuse to give in. Refuse to accept the status quo. Surround yourself with good people. Know your faults as a leader and accept them. Be honest and forthright. While the pace can lull at times, Knight clearly has a knack for storytelling. His strong narrative voice keeps you coming back because even though we all know how this story ends, we have to know what happens next.


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