Book Reviews
The Shelf
Think Again — Adam Grant
In an age of constant information, digital insulation, and being spoon-fed what to think, Adam Grant argues that the true test of intelligence is our ability to let go of preconceived notions, challenge our opinions, and look at being wrong as a good thing.
Four Thousand Weeks — Oliver Burkeman
In Four Thousand Weeks, Burkeman explores our modern-day concept of time and argues for the importance of developing a healthy relationship with it, rather than continuing to try to control and optimize it.
With or Without You – Eric Smith
Eric Smith serves up a rom-com packed with tasty dives, love, and drama in With or Without You.
Pappyland — Wright Thompson
In Pappyland, Wright Thompson rides along with Julian Van Winkle III on his journey to preserve the taste of his family’s world-class bourbon.
The Creative Act: A Way of Being - Rick Rubin
The Creative Act: A Way of Being offers observations and ponderings about the creative process from nurturing ideas to experimenting to editing to, ultimately, letting our creation into the world.
The House in the Cerulean Sea - TJ Kline
In The House in the Cerulean, Sea Klune explores the consequences of people staying silent and complacent in the face of racism and social injustice
Nettle and Bone - T. Kingfisher
In Nettle & Bone, Kingfisher effortlessly creates a dynamic cast of characters and a dark fantasy world to weave a one-of-a-kind fairytale where a shy princess has set out to kill an evil prince.
Bird by Bird — Anne Lamott
Author and writing professor Anne Lamott debunks the myth that publishing a book is a linear process and that it will solve all your problems.
The Women of Troy — Pat Barker
The devastation of war and the brutal treatment of women in its aftermath is at the center of Pat Barker’s sequel.